Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Basic Information About Acai Berry

Acai - Overview

In this article we will start at the top and describe exactly what Acai is, where it comes from and why everyone wants Acai. If you already know the basics about Acai you may want to skip this article and move on to our next article - Acai, ORACS, Omegas and Anthocyanins

What is Acai?

Acai (pronounced ( ah-sigh-EE ) is a fruit that grows on the Acai Palm Trees in the Amazon Rainforest of Brazil. The Acai berry is small in size (smaller than a grape) and is dark purple in color. Acai is mostly seed, covered in a small amount of pulp. In fact, about 90% of the Acai berry is seed - it is important to note that no one eats the Acai berry seed.

What makes Acai so special?

While Acai may be small in size, it packs a nutritional punch unlike any other food in the world. While we get more into the specific benefits of Acai in our Acai health benefits article, here are a few highlights to wet your appetite:

  • Dr. Perricone, in his bestseller - "The Perricone Promise" picks Acai fruit as the #1 Super Food in the world.
  • In 2005, Oprah name Acai the #1 Super Food, saying "This little berry is one of the most nutritious and powerful foods in the world.".
  • "Rich in antioxidants and amino acids, açaí is thought to be one of the most nutritional fruits of the Amazon basin." New York Times, 8/4/2004
  • Acai has 10 Times the antioxidant power of red grapes and twice that of blueberries

While other sites make claims about Acai curing every disease known to man, we would never make those claims. What is clear is that Acai has tremendous health properties and may be one of the best possible foods you can eat to stay healthy. In our article - Nutritional make up of Acai - we get into more specifics of what makes Acai so healthy.

How Does Acai Taste?

Terrific! Acai has a berry flavor with a subtle chocolate after taste. Acai tastes so good, you would never guess it is also great for you.

Great, can I buy fresh Acai at my local market?

Yes - if you happen to live in the middle of Amazon Rainforest! For the rest of us, fresh Acai is not an option. Acai is very perishable and spoils within about 24 hours of being picked from the Acai Palm tree.

So, how can I get Acai fruit?

Acai pulp from the Amazon can be frozen and shipped to the US. A number of juice bars do have Acai smoothies - but this can get expensive.

Acai pulp can also be dehydrated into a powder and freeze dried. This powder can then be put into capsules to make pure Acai supplements that maintain all the nutritional properties of fresh Acai - just in a concentrated form.

Great, so I can just buy any Acai supplement?

Not exactly. There is a world of difference between the various Acai supplements on the market. Some are made in such a way that they maintain almost NONE of the nutritional profile of fresh Acai.

We have found some quality Acai supplements and had them lab tested to make sure they were pure and effective. We will discuss these more in a later article.


Okay, so this is our take on Acai - Acai is the #1 Super Food in the world, but it is not available fresh outside of the Amazon Rainforest. Frozen Acai pulp is available, but it is expensive, found mostly in juice bars and can not be shipped without special freezer packaging. While there are a few quality Acai supplements, most the ones you see in a health food store are processed in such a way that they maintain almost NONE of the nutritional benefits of fresh Acai.

All makes perfect sense, right? Don't worry, we know it is confusing, but this is just the Overview of Acai. Stick with us and it will all become clear.

Let's move on to the article with the funny names...

Acai, ORACS, Omegas and Anthocyanins

Acai Berries, ORAC, Omegas and Anthocyanins

We know, just the title of this article is enough to have your eyes glaze over and fall asleep. Don't worry, we will not get too technical and boring, but if you want to learn about how Acai works its magic - you need to learn a little science…

What are Free Radicals and Antioxidants?

We are all made up of atoms. Atoms that have a full outer shell of electrons tend to be happy, peaceful and inert atoms. They tend not to enter into chemical reactions and enjoy a mellow life in your body.

Atoms that do NOT have a full outer shell of electrons are unhappy and unstable. Something is missing in their life - and they very badly want to get another electron so they can be stable and inert. These unstable atoms are called - Free Radicals.

Free radicals tend to move quickly to try to steal an electron from whatever molecule happens to be around them. Of course, whoever they steal an electron from becomes a new free radical and the process is like a domino effect.

Free radicals are not evil or bad - in moderation. Our body performs many functions and there will always be some free radicals created. However, if the level of free radicals gets too high in the body, you can run into major problems. Numerous diseases and health issues have been linked to high levels of free radicals.

One of the more common types of free radicals are oxygen free radicals. These are oxygen atoms missing an electron. You know that rust you see on the side of your car - well the same thing basically happens inside our body. Oxidative stress is what it is called when oxygen free radicals start to cause damage in your body.

What causes Free Radicals?

Breathing, eating, moving - basically living! Yes, basically any stress we put on our body can cause free radicals. While obvious things like polluted air, smoking, stressful events and unhealthy foods can cause free radicals - many "healthy" activities can also create free radicals. Almost any type of exercise will put stress on our body - we all know the saying "no pain, no gain". Well, all this stress on our muscles creates free radicals.

Antioxidants to the rescue

So, how do you turn a free radical into a harmless cell? You give the free radical the extra electron it so desperately wants. What substance can supply this extra electron? You guessed it - antioxidants. Antioxidants are any substances that prevent or slow the oxidation process. Remember, free radicals cause oxidation - and antioxidants prevent oxidation. Antioxidants work by donating an electron to a free radical so it becomes a stable oxygen molecule.

What is ORAC?

ORAC stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity. ORAC measures the ability of just about any substance to subdue oxygen free radicals in the test tube. In short, ORAC is a lab assay that can measure the antioxidant activity of any substance and give it a number. The higher the ORAC number - the stronger the antioxidant properties of the substance.

National Institute on Aging developed the ORAC method and the US Department of Agriculture and Brunswick Labs have been instrumental in perfecting the ORAC assay procedure and testing various foods to determine ORAC levels.

While the exact science behind ORAC gets beyond the scope of this article, it is clear that if you want foods with greater antioxidant properties, you look for foods with high ORAC levels. The USDA recommends we consume 3,000 to 5,000 ORAC units daily. In truth, 80% of the population is consuming less than 1,000 ORAC units a day. The USDA recommended "5-a-day" fruit and vegetable servings will give you an ORAC score of about 1,750 units.

Fruits and vegetables tend to have the highest ORAC values. Per 100 grams - Apples score a 218, Bananas a 221, blueberries 2,400. And what about fresh Acai? Acai has an amazing 5,500 ORAC score.

How about Anthocyanins?

Have you ever seen beautiful purple flowers? How about a deep red grape or a bright red Fuji apple? If you answered yes (and if you said no - stop reading this article and go out and enjoy nature more!) then you have seen anthocyanins. Anthocyanins are flavonoid pigments that plants and fruits synthesize. Anthocyanins give plants and fruits their beautiful pigmentation - but it is not all about looks. Anthocyanins can acts as a sunscreen for plants and in fruits the bright color attracts animals which feast on the fruits and in the process disperse the seeds. However, the aspect of Anthocyanins that is of most interest in regard to the Acai fruit is their antioxidant properties.

Fruits (like the Acai Berry Fruit) that are exposed to strong sunlight face a tremendous amount of ultra violet light stress. This UV light triggers free radicals to form in the fruit. Fruits, such as the Acai berry, develop high levels of anthocyanins because they have very strong antioxidants properties and can quench the free radicals. Here is the interesting part - the antioxidant properties of anthocyanins are maintained even after they are eaten by another organism. This is why fruits with bright pigmentation tend to have the great ORAC values - they are loaded with anthocyanins! Yes, you guessed it - Acai berries have a tremendous concentration of anthocyanins.

The French Paradox and Anthocyanins

The French have a diet very rich in cheese, sugar, coffee, nicotine, sugar and white flour. With this type of diet you would expect the French to have a very high rate of heart disease, however, the exact opposite is true. The ability of the French to consume a heart clogging diet and yet have a very low rate of heart disease has been labeled the French Paradox.

Researchers now believe they have the reason for the "French Paradox" - anthocyanins! The French drink a significant amount of red wine and the the red wine grape, due to its anthocyanins is what is believed to be responsible for the very low incidence of heart disease. While red wine has a good quantity of anthocyanins, the Acai berry has over 30 times the anthocyanins as red wine.

Omega Fats - giving fat a good name

Let's face it - fat is not a pretty word. Most people would think that the phrase "fat and healthy" is an oxymoron. However, when you start talking about Omega fatty acids you realize that the right fats can be very healthy and beneficial.

The three most common forms of Omega Fatty Acids are Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega-9. While it is beyond the scope of this article to go into the full chemistry of fatty acids (and we would certainly put ourselves to sleep just writing it), suffice to say that significant research has shown numerous health benefits to a diet high in unsaturated omega fatty acids. In fact, on September 8, 2006, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) gave "qualified health claim" status to eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) omega-3 fatty acids, stating that "supportive but not conclusive research shows that consumption of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease." While that may not sound like much, for the FDA to allow any healthy claim on something that is not a drug is very impressive.

Why do you need to know what Omega fatty acids are? Because in our next article we will talk about the fact that Acai is an excellent source of Omega fatty acids and we just wanted you to know that is a good thing!


Wake up - the boring definitions are over! In case you slept through the above lesson - here is the recap... Free Radicals are bad. Antioxidant, Omega fatty acids, Anthocyanins and food with high ORAC values are good. Oh yeah, and the French tend to eat a lot of cheese.

Now that we know the general vocabulary used when discussing Acai we can move on to looking at the specific nutritional makeup of Acai and what makes it a superfood…

The Nutritional Makeup of Acai

The Nutritional Makeup of Acai

With all the excitement surrounding Acai it can be hard to believe that a small 2cm in diameter berry can be a #1 superfood in America as explained by Dr. Perricone on Oprah. However, once you take a look at the nutritional profile of Acai you will see why it may be one of the most perfect fruits in the world.

What is in the Acai Berry?

Incredible Antioxidant and Anthocyanins Levels

Simply put, Acai is one of the highest antioxidant fruits in the world. Acai has 10 times the antioxidant level of grapes and twice that of blueberries. Acai has 10 to 30 times the Anthocyanins of red wine (Our last article defined Anthocyanins).

Healthy Fats

The Acai berry is very rich in healthy Omega fats. Nearly 50% of the Acai berry is fat - with 74% of the fat coming from healthy unsaturated fats such as Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega 9.

Rich in Amino Acids and Protein

7.59% of the weight of the Acai pulp is from amino acids. 19 different amino acids have been identified in Acai. Since amino acids are the building blocks of protein, it is no surprise that you have over 8 grams of protein in a 100 gram serving of Acai.

Excellent source of Plant Sterols

Three plant sterols (or photosterols) have been identified in Acai - B-sitosterol, campesterol and sigmasterol. Photosterols have been shown to have numerous health benefits for maintaining healthy heart and digestive function.

Good source of Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C and E are all present in Acai. In fact, Acai contain as much Vitamin C as blueberries and has over 1000 IU of Vitamin A for every 100 grams of Acai. In addition, potassium, calcium, magnesium, copper and zinc are all found in Acai.

Good Source of Fiber

For a fruit, Acai has a strong fiber profile. There are about 14 grams of fiber in every 100 grams of freeze dried Acai powder.

Delicious Taste

You would think anything this healthy must taste terrible - however, just the opposite is true. Acai has a berry and chocolate flavor that is truly unique and delicious. Acai is used in smoothies, deserts and can also be eaten by itself.

More to be discovered

Research on the nutritional makeup of Acai is ongoing and there are many aspects of the fruit that have not been characterized yet. We know there must be undiscovered antioxidants in Acai, because even though it is high in Anthocyanins - they are not high enough to account for the incredible ORAC scores.

Buyer Beware: Acai Seeds - Fine for Fuel
NOT for Food!

The Acai berry is 90% seed, with only 10% of the berry edible. In the Amazon Rainforest, they eat the skin and pulp of the Acai berry and discard the seed. All the research and nutritional information we discuss above is based on just the Acai berry skin and pulp. When you hear Dr. Perricone, Dr. Oz and every other expert discuss the amazing nutritional profile of the Acai berry - they are talking about just the skin and pulp.

Companies that make legitimate Acai products of course use only the Acai skin and pulp. These companies have come up with creative uses for the Acai seed - they make Acai necklaces and even burn the seeds as a renewable energy source. The one thing that no legitimate Acai supplier would ever do is crush the Acai seeds and sell them as juice or supplement.

Unfortunately, it has come to our attention that a number of companies are selling Acai products that contain the Acai seed. These products therefore contain 90% less Acai (as defined by the edible portion) than Acai products that use only the skin and pulp. Consumers that ingest Acai seed products are consuming a product that has been the subject of very little research and in no way reflects how the indigenous people of the Amazon Rainforest have enjoyed Acai for thousands of years.

Our recommendation - steer clear of any product that is made with the Acai seed!


Acai is rich in anthocyanins, antioxidants, fiber, healthy omega fats, amino acids, protein, plant sterols, vitamins and minerals. Acai is also a delicious tasting fruit that has a berry taste with hints of chocolate. It is clear that Acai has a nutrition and taste profile that make it a clear superfood.

Now that we understand the nutritional makeup of Acai we can look at our next article...

The Health Benefits of Acai

The Health Benefits of Acai

In our previous article, The Nutritional Makeup of Acai, we learned about what is in the Acai berry. In this article, we will look at how the nutritious Acai berry can help keep us in excellent health.

What will eating Acai do for me?

The nutrients in Acai can help:

  • Maintain the healthy function of bodily systems and organs
  • Increase energy, libido and stamina
  • Promote healthy, glowing skin and hair
  • Promotes healthy sleep
  • Support immune system
  • Act as a powerful anti-inflammatory
  • Help reduce pain and soreness
  • Help rejuvenate your mind, body and spirit

How can Acai help with all these health issues?

If you read our article - The Nutritional Makeup of Acai - you know that Acai is one of the healthiest foods you can eat. While there are many nutrients in the Acai berry, clearly the antioxidants are the major reason for the health benefits of Acai.

The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) has initiated studies to look at the link between antioxidant rich food and aging. Here are some direct quotes from the USDA website -

"Studies at the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University in Boston suggest that consuming fruits and vegetables with a high-ORAC value may help slow the aging process in both body and brain."

Ronald L. Prior, the researcher for the USDA study went on to suggest that "the ORAC measure may help define the dietary conditions needed to prevent tissue damage."

"Science has long held that damage by oxygen free radicals is behind many of the maladies that come with aging, including cardiovascular disease and cancer. There's firm evidence that a high intake of fruits and vegetables reduces risk of cancer and that a low intake raises risk. And recent evidence suggests that diminished brain function associated with aging and disorders such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases may be due to increased vulnerability to free radicals, says Joseph, a neuroscientist. "

- "Can Foods Forestall Aging?", published in the February 1999 issue of Agricultural Research magazine.

It is clear that the potential health benefits of eating high ORAC value foods should not be underestimated.

Doesn't Acai cure every ailment known to man?

Okay, we admit this question is a little tongue-in-cheek - but if you read through some of the websites it sure seems like Acai is a miracle food. While other sites will talk about how Acai is a miracle fruit that cures every known ailment - we would never say that. There are no miracle cures - period. If you want to stay healthy and feel energetic and young the key is a good diet and exercise. It is true that when it comes to eating a good diet - you really can do no better than starting with a healthy portion of Acai. However, we would never give false hope by claiming that Acai alone is the cure to any disease.

I have heard that Acai kills cancer cells - is this true?

A University of Florida study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry on Jan 12. 2006 found that acai berries triggered a self-destruct response in up to 86 percent of leukemia cells tested in vitro. While we consider this study a promising start, it is important to understand that the Acai killed cultured cancer cells in a test tube - this is very different than killing cancer in the human body. Obviously, much more research needs to be done before anyone could make any cancer claims regarding Acai in the human body.


It is clear that eating foods with high ORAC values have numerous health benefits. Acai is one of the highest ORAC value foods. While there are no miracles, Acai is an incredibly healthy food that can help you maintain healthy bodily functions across the board.

Ready to start eating Acai berries? First you need to get the Acai out of the Amazon Rainforest...

How do you get Acai from the Amazon to the US?

How do you get Acai from the Amazon
to the USA?

If you have read our articles on the health properties of Acai you are probably wondering why you don't see Acai berries in your local fruit store. In this article we will look at the challenges with getting fresh Acai from the Amazon.

How can I get fresh Acai berries?

If you happen to live in the Amazon rainforest you are in luck. Just climb up the Acai tree and pick some fresh Acai berries. Unfortunately, for our readers who don't live in the Amazon rainforest, getting fresh Acai berries can be close to impossible.

As we discussed in our article on the nutritional makeup of Acai, the Acai berry is 30 - 50% fat. Foods high in fat will go rancid very quickly. Due to the high fat content, Acai berries go rancid within a day of being picked. This means it is not feasible for Acai berries to be exported to the US (and other countries) because they would go bad before they ever reached our fruit markets.

So if I live outside the Amazon I can't enjoy Acai berries?

While fresh Acai berries are not an option, frozen Acai pulp is available. This frozen Acai can then be shipped to the US and other countries. Frozen Acai can be used in smoothies, juices or deserts.

Of course the problem with frozen Acai pulp is that it must be stored and shipped frozen. This limits the stores you will find frozen Acai pulp in and also limits how you can use Acai pulp. While frozen Acai is great for making smoothies, it is not ideal if you are looking for Acai you can keep in your locker or take along in your bag.

What about Spray Dried Acai supplements?

There is a much cheaper way to process Acai and make Acai supplements - it is called spray dried Acai. The Spray Dried process involves heating the Acai to high temperatures to remove the water and spraying the Acai with carries such as maltodextrin.

To put it bluntly - spray dried Acai is a terrible idea!

The first problem with the spray dried process is that it requires heating the Acai to very high temperatures. The problem is that the high temperatures kill off many of the nutrients in the Acai. The second problem is that the spray dried process involves using a carrier agents such as maltodextrin to dry the Acai. In the end, 40% of the "Acai powder" is actually maltodextrin. So, if you see a spray dried Acai supplement that claims to have 500mg of Acai per capsule - it probably only has 300mg of actual Acai per capsule.

Spray dried Acai powders, while cheap to buy, are vastly inferior to Acai juice.

What about Acai Extracts - like 4:1 Acai Extract?

With herbal supplements, extracts involve isolating one element of the plant and extracting it. For example, with the coffee bean plant you may want to create a caffeine extract. This would involve isolating the caffeine in the coffee berry and extracting.

When it comes to Acai - extracts make no sense. The health value of the Acai berry comes from the whole fruit. As we discussed in the Nutritional Value of Acai article, there are many positive nutrients in the Acai berry. So, what exactly do you want to extract from the Acai berry? In truth, you want the whole Acai berry - not just an extract.

The other issue with extracts is that almost all are made from spray dried Acai. The only thing worse than spray dried Acai is an extract of spray dried Acai. It should then come as no surprise that the ORAC value of Freeze Dried Acai has tested 50 times as high as that of spray dried Acai extracts.

Don't let phrases like "4:1" and "super concentrated extract" fool you. You want all the nutrients of the whole Acai berry, and you can only get this in Acai juice.

When does an extract equal a concentrate?

Extracts and concentrates SHOULD be two different things, but in the world of supplements the two terms are sometimes mistakenly interchanged. Some Acai companies say that their 4:1 Extract means that 4 grams of Acai pulp are used to make 1 gram of Acai powder. The correct term for this would be a concentrate - not extract.

Even assuming that a company that advertises Acai 4:1 Extract means Acai 4:1 Concentrate - this is still not very impressive.

When does Acai lose 90% of its Nutritional Content?

When a company uses the Acai Seed in their Acai product!

The Acai berry is 90% seed, with only 10% of the berry edible. In the Amazon Rainforest, they eat the skin and pulp of the Acai berry and discard the seed. All the research and nutritional information we discuss is based on just the Acai berry skin and pulp. When you hear Dr. Perricone, Dr. Oz and every other expert discuss the amazing nutritional profile of the Acai berry - they are talking about just the skin and pulp.

Companies that make legitimate Acai products use only the Acai skin and pulp .Unfortunately, it has come to our attention that a number of companies are selling Acai products that contain the Acai seed. These products therefore contain 90% less Acai (as defined by the edible portion) than Acai products that use only the skin and pulp. An Acai juice that has 30 grams of Acai, BUT uses the whole berry (including seed) - by definition would only have 3 grams of Acai pulp and skin.

Consumers that ingest Acai seed products are consuming a product that has been the subject of very little research and in no way reflects how the indigenous people of the Amazon Rainforest have enjoyed Acai for thousands of years.

Our recommendation - steer clear of any product that is made with the Acai seed!


Getting the facts on the benefits of Acai berry juice is very smart on your part as a consumer. You hear a lot about this juice as of late and with good reason. The juice is a potent little natural drug to regulate your system and fight off many impurities that you can ingest in every day living environments.

The juice of the Acai berry meets the needs of many consumers as it is a naturally processed resolution to staying healthier and managing issues that we all have. It will build up immunity in your body and fight inflammation. It may even make you look younger.

The Amazonian fruit is a strong defense again health issues that many of us struggle with and that is why its popularity has grown so fast. Such issue with inflammation, heart disease and auto immune disorders are helped by taking the pure juice on a daily basis. It is also full of vitamin E among other vitamins that aid in the look and feel of your skin.

The concentration of antioxidants in the pure juice is what helps it be such a good aid for people who suffer from anti inflammatory diseases. You can see many people who have issues with fibromyalgia, lupus and other issues benefit from the natural product. They report lesser occurrences of issues once they have begun a regimen of the pure juice.

The berries work well with fight the bad HDL levels in your system as well that lead to cardio vascular issues in the body. It is more potent than a glass of red wine. It will aid in lowering your bad cholesterol naturally if taken daily. You can see the results in as little as two weeks with the pure juice extract of the Acai berry.

The regulation benefit of the juice is also proven as it has ample amount of fiber for daily intake. It will stop bad nutrients from sticking on the insides and fight them off. Your system will be flushed of oxidants and you will feel better.

To get the biggest benefit of Acai berry juice you will want to take it in its purest form. This can be found in many places from health food stores to online distributors. Pure juice may cost more but you can negotiate the spending as you do not have to buy other supplements thus making your life a whole lot easier.

Yes there is immense hype and push for Acai Berry Juice and it is with good reason. As the country takes a shift from fried to natural acai berries there are millions of Americans who want to stop the cycle of fat and be healthy from now on.

ACAI PILLS VS ACAI JUICE – Is one better than the other?

Acai is highly sought after fruit grown in the Amazon Rain Forest. The tree grows the acai berries, which are then mass picked and distributed in different forms. Obtaining fresh and pure acai juice that was freshly harvested is always going to be your most beneficial from of acai. Distributors who immediately take fresh berries and shortly thereafter make their product are going to be the ones that will provide you with themost beneficial acai. There are different forms available and some more beneficial to you than others.

One form that acai is available is in pill. Pills has been widely popular but the fast is they are of the least beneficial forms of acai available. Reason being, the acai berry needs to be fresh in order to serve its intended purpose. When this product is in pill form, it means that it has been freeze dried and made in to a powder and then formed into a pill. In this process the berry itself losses many of its attributes. It is no longer as beneficial as it could have been if it had been kept in its true form.

A true pure form of acai is found when the juice is extracted from the berry itself and harvested immediately. The berry pulp is used in this process using the best part of the berry. They are many distributors who sell it in this form, but they are also many who claim to sell it as a pure, although it is not. They will take a true form and water it down or mix it with other juices, such as apple juice, then call their product acai juice. And while this type of product will probably not hurt you, it will not provide you with the great effects that the pure form may be able to give you. If someone also claims that their product is 100% acai, beware of the distributors that purchase the product as a powder form and then dilute it with water. This is going to be highly unsuccessful in proving you with the benefits you has hoped to obtain while looking for the real thing.

Be sure to make sure your are buying the real product, check out all the facts you need to know before buying Pure Acai Juice.


The choice between acai berry juices vs the acai pills has been debated for aome time and it is toime to set the record straight. The misconception normally happens as a reader rushes through an article that while a pill is written the picture in the mind that is formed is that of a capsule. Capsules are better than pills in that it is more readily absorbed by the body and is easily dissolved when introduce to a liquid. The ingredients do not have to go through as much process as the pill. Hands down though the best preparation is the juice, why is that?

Jiuce is juice. If it is truly an extract, then the whole profile of the acai berry is preserved. The only risk is buying the juice from sources that are not as well established and whose brand is not as well known. Another risk is buying with affordability as the main consideration. There are several offering in the net whose integrity at distributing the product have passed and been proven through time if the maintenance of previous and regular customer and the continued growth in additional market is to be the parameter.

On the other hand, we hear juice vs pill preparation like dry freeze, spray drying etc. which are done primarily to turn the berry into powder and process it into a capsule or a pill. While freeze drying preserves the potency profile or the fruit better it is still subjects the berry to extreme temperatures through to a lesser extent and duration. Acai is a fruit. All fruit is highly perishable. The acai more so. Subjecting fruits to extremes in temperature makes it lose somehow the integrity of the potency of the fruit. However, there is presently no other way to turn the acai into powder. Turn it into a capsule and prolong its shelf life. If the choice though is between the berry juice vs pill, take the juice at any time.


Acai Berry Health Benefits
Acai Berries have been shown to be extremely high in essential fatty acids, including Omega fatty acids. Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) are also known as Polyunsaturated Fats and required for healthy skin, healthy hair, regulating the metabolic system and bones. But what does this actually mean, and what are the health benefits of Acai Berry products?

Acai Berries & Cholesterol
The Fatty Acids and Phytosterols (plant sterols that are similar in structure to cholesterol) assist in the breakdown of LDL – bad cholesterol and promote HDL, good cholesterol. A clean, well functioning blood stream is essential to maintain the health of all your functions and keeping cholesterol low is fundamental in maintaining a healthy heart and fighting heart disease.

The Omega Fatty Acids found in Acai Berries are extraordinarily high. The body does not produce these, and they need to be consumed orally. Omega Fatty acids play a vital role in healthy growth and development of the brain. Taking Acai Berry supplements is a great way to give our bodies these nutrients and maintain low cholesterol levels.

Essential Fatty Acids
There are two distinct types of fatty acids: Essential and Non-Essential. Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) are fatty acids that the body can’t produce, so therefore crucial to complete a balanced diet.

Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) are necessary in the maintenance and creation of cell membranes within the body. EFAs are utilised by many of the body’s systems to maintain proper tissue function.

EFAs are also required for energy production, effective functioning of the nervous system, brain development and function, skin health and elasticity, digestive efficiency, normal cardiovascular function, hormone production, and effective immune response.

Due to the popular misconception that fat is “bad” for the body many people have adopted a low or no fat diet. Low or no fat, coupled with the widespread consumption of processed and genetically modified foods, have created EFA deficiencies.

Leading researchers are finding significant links between EFA deficiencies and disease. Supplementation with EFAs, from Acai Berry supplements, is therefore an integral part of a complete nutritional program. To help achieve your peak performance it is crucial that you supplement with Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs). Acai Berry supplements are a great source of these acids.

Healthy Blood, Healthy Brain, Healthy Bones
The Fatty Acids and Phytosterols (plant sterols that are similar in structure to cholesterol) assist in the breakdown of LDL – bad cholesterol and promote HDL, good cholesterol. A clean, well functioning blood stream is essential to maintain the health of all your functions and keeping cholesterol low is fundamental in maintaining a healthy heart and fighting heart disease.

Further, the Omega Fatty Acids found in this Berry are extraordinarily high. The body does not produce these and they need to be consumed orally. Omega Fatty acids play a vital role in healthy growth and development of the brain. Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) are also known as Polyunsaturated Fats and required for healthy skin, hair, regulating the metabolic system and bones.

Acai Berry increases Energy & Stamina
The high levels of Antioxidants found in Acai products, help the body to fight infections and function in a more efficiently. Many top athletes use the Acai Berry in their training regimes, with many sportsmen & women consuming large meals of the Acai pulp before competing. Why? To help boost their energy levels, to speed up healing rates and to help in weight management.

Many top athletes are turning to the Acai Berry for sustenance in their training and in the competitive ring. Many of the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu fighters and Football players are already consuming large meals of the Acai pulp before competing.

The Acai supplements & Acai Berry products help to boost their energy levels, and also speed up their healing rates. The high level of Antioxidants found in the Acai Berry work with the body to fight infections, and allows the body to function in a more efficient manner.

But it’s not just top athletes that can benefit from the health benefits of Acai Berries. Us mere mortals can gain considerable benefits from Acai supplements and Acai berry products, including weight management, lower cholesterol and a healthier bowel.

Healthy Immune System with Acai Berries
The Acai’s densely packed levels of Antioxidants and Anthocyanins are second to none. These are the very organic chemical compounds that are required to fight off disease and toxins in the body. Boosting your immune system is paramount to good health and fighting even the common cold.

The impact of the Acai and the Immune system reaches much further, in that it has the capability of blasting even cancerous cells. The University of Florida have been testing this berry in a variety of concentrations and have found that dependent on the extract concentration, the Acai has created Aptosis in blood cells (they “commit suicide”) from anywhere between 35 – 86%.

Your skin, Ageing Process and The Acai Berry
Antioxidants in particular absorb oxidants which would otherwise allow the oxidation process to take place and free radicals would essentially attack by causing toxicity to your skin.

The indegenous people of the Amazon have been using the Acai with great success as a form of first aid in treating skin problems for many generations and remains one of it’s primary uses.

What are the health benefits gained from acai berries?
Given The Acai Berry’s consitution, with high levels of Antioxidants, Fibre, Fatty Acids, Amino Acids and Carbohydrate, the following uses have been well documented:
• Weight Loss
• Increase of Energy & Stamina
• Better Vision
• Bolster Immune System
• Assist IBS and The Digestive System
• Reduces Cholesterol (LDL) and promotes good cholesterol (HDL)
• Reduces the Aging Process
• Reduces the possibility of Heart Disease / Arteriosclerosis
• Reduces the possibility of Rheumatoid Arthritis
• Reduces the possibility of Cancers


Carbohydrates – Energy

Fat – Help you feel full longer

Protein – Important in building block of bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, and blood.

Fiber - Getting enough fiber in the diet can lower the risk of developing certain conditions:

  • Heart disease. Evidence is now growing to support the notion that foods containing soluble fiber     This type of fiber is made up of polysaccharides (carbohydrates that contain three or more molecules of simple carbohydrates), and it does dissolve in water. (such as oats, rye barley, and beans) can have a positive influence on cholesterol, triglycerides, and other particles in the blood that affect the development of heart disease. Some fruits and vegetables (such as citrus fruits and carrots) have been shown to have the same effect.
  • Cancer. The passage of food through the body is speeded up when fiber is eaten. Some experts believe this may prevent harmful substances found in some foods from affecting the colon and may protect against colon cancer. (However, a recent study conducted by Harvard University concluded that eating high-fiber food did not appear to protect people from colon cancer.) Other types of cancer that are linked with overnutrition and may be prevented by a fiber-rich diet include breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and uterine cancer.
  • Diabetes. Adding fiber to the diet helps regulate blood sugar levels, which is important in avoiding diabetes. In addition, some people with diabetes can achieve a significant reduction in their blood sugar levels and may find they can reduce their medication.
  • Diverticular disease     A range of conditions that develop from the presence of one of more small pouches that protrude out of the normally smooth wall of the colon; these pouches can become inflamed and cause symptoms that include abdominal pain, constipation or diarrhea, and bleeding from the rectum.. Diverticular disease is a condition in which small pouches, called diverticula, develop in the wall of the colon. In a small percentage of people, these diverticula become inflamed or infected, a condition known as diverticulitis. Diverticular disease can cause pain, diarrhea, constipation, and other problems.
  • Gallstones and kidney stones. Rapid digestion leads to a rapid release of glucose (sugar) into the bloodstream. To cope with this, the body has to release large amounts of insulin into the bloodstream, and this can make a person more likely to develop gallstones and kidney stones (in addition to diabetes and high cholesterol).

Energy – For energy.

Omega 3,6,9 - Omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids are essential fatty acids (EFA’s). Our bodies cannot manufacture them, and we must consume them in our diets. Omega 9 fatty acids are not essential. Our bodies need omega 9 fats, but we can manufacture them from other sources.

Omega 3 fatty acids prevent heart disease and the complications of heart attack. People who take omega 3 fatty acids have a lower mortality rate after heart attack than those who do not.

Omega 3 EFA’s improve cardiac risk factors, and help prevent CHD. They normalize lipid levels, lower blood pressure and improve glucose metabolism.

Omega 3’s may be helpful in a number of other conditions, to. Rheumatoid arthritis, depression, autism, and many other conditions may be improved by taking omega 3 EFA’s. They are necessary for growth and development, especially in the development of nervous tissue, and may improve cognitive function and emotional health.

Omega 6 fatty acids compete for enzymes with omega 3 EFA’s, so the amounts of the two need to be properly balanced. Less research has been done on omega 6 EFA’s than on omega 3’s. Most omega 6 fatty acids produce an inflammatory response that may be necessary for healthy immune system function. Research is beginning to indicate that one omega 6 EFA is, however, a powerful anti-inflammatory agent, and may be even more important for healthy hearts than omega 3 oils.

Omega 9, as mentioned, is not an essential fatty acid. Omega 9 oils are monounsaturated, and are found in olive oil. Olive oil is known to have beneficial health effects, and omega 9 oils may be necessary for healthy immune system functioning.

The benefits of omega 3 6 9 include all of the benefits of all three types of fatty acid. The amounts and ratios of each fatty acid are balanced to optimal levels of each. Taking an omega 3 6 9 supplement is a good way to ensure that you are getting essential nutrients for your good health. Pure EPA is a fantastic balance of omega 3 6 9 !

Vitamin E - It helps skin look younger by reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Also, free radicals are believed to play an important role in skin aging and therefore the antioxidant activity is quite valuable for this skin problem.

Vitamin C - Vitamin C is an antioxidant and can protect your body from free radicals, which may cause heart disease and cancer.

- Responsible for producing collagen. Collagen is present in your muscles and bones. It is responsible for holding the cells together.

- Helps your immune system. It helps you heal from scrapes and bruises.

- Keeps your gums healthy. People with lack of Vitamin C often develop black, swollen gums otherwise known as scurvy.

Vitamin B – Energy production, Healthy nervous system, Good digestion, healthy skin, hair and nails and for synergy.

Calcium – Supports Bones and teeth.

Magnesium – Aids in the body’s absorption of calcium and also plays a key role in the strength and formation of bones and teeth. Osteoporosis prevention.

- Vital for maintaining a healthy heart. By stabilize the rhythm of the heart and prevent abnormal blood clotting in the heart.

- Lower the chance of heart attack at stroke.

- Maintains proper muscle functions by keeping muscles properly relaxed.


Iron - Forming a part of the red pigment called hemoglobin in the blood, it gives blood the dark red color and helps transport oxygen to our cells. Apart from that, iron is also important for muscle protein and traces of it can be found in liver, spleen, bone marrow and in our muscles.

Zinc - Among its many functions, zinc helps maintain a healthy immune system, is needed for wound healing, helps maintain your sense of taste and smell, and is needed for DNA synthesis. Zinc also supports normal growth and development during pregnancy, childhood, and adolescence, and helps sperm develop and is needed for ovulation and fertilization.

Phosphorus - Phosphorus is required by the body for bone and teeth formation. Calcium alone can't build strong bones and tissues. New research shows calcium needs phosphorus to maximize its bone-strengthening benefits, and taking a lot of calcium supplements without enough phosphorus could be a waste.

Copper - The health benefits of copper include proper growth, utilization of iron, enzymatic reactions, connective tissues, hair, eyes, ageing and energy production. Apart from these, heart rhythm, thyroid glands, arthritis, wound healing. RBC formation and cholesterol are other health benefits of copper.

The health benefits of copper are crucial for healthy existence, as this mineral enables normal metabolic process in association with amino acids and vitamins. Copper cannot be produced within the body and hence needs to be sourced from external food sources. Copper is the third most prevalent mineral in the body and it is mostly carried by the blood plasma protein, Ceruloplasmin. In order to enjoy health benefits of copper, it must be included in diet of an individual.

Did you know?

· The U.S. National Academy of Sciences (NAS) began looking into traditional uses of the fruit in the 1980s. Researchers noted that the fruit was highly sought after by young and old of all economic classes for its strength and energy promoting properties and was usually consumed at each meal. It is such a mainstay of the local diet that the typical individual is known to consume up to two liters a day of acai fruit.

· The most desirable variety of acai liquid is purple in color, called acai preto. Most people who try acai find it to be delicious. It has been described as a completely unique flavor a sort of chocolate and berry mix.

· The seeds constitute about 80 percent of the acai fruit. Once removed from the pulp and skin, these seeds are an important source of food for livestock. Another use for the seeds is as a source of organic soil to grow plants. The soil is formed after composting the seeds until it turns into a rich, dark brown moist composition. In large population centers, one may find large bins full of the seeds or organic soil produced from these seeds sold to city dwellers.

· The first studies undertaken to evaluate the nutritional value of acai fruit were completed in the 1930s and 1940s, and were often of French or Portuguese origin. These studies tended to focus on major vitamin content and sometimes mineral content.

· More recent research, from the 1960s to the present, has examined the full scope of macronutrients, trace minerals and other bioactive compounds that make up the acai fruit. Newer studies have also reported on the little fruit’s lipid, carbohydrate and protein content.

· With the growing popularity of acai liquid and its byproducts, there is a growing appreciation for the palm’s value, not just as a commodity food item, but also as a highly nutritious and phytonutrient-rich food source for people around the world.

· A research institute, AIMBR Life Sciences, found through extensive research, that the acai fruit contains many nutrients including:









Vitamin C



Vitamin D



Vitamin E




· ORAC ASSAY One way of measuring the antioxidant capacity of a food is the oxygen radical absorption capacity (ORAC) assay. The ORAC test looks at how much a particular food inhibits free radical activity. There are several different ORAC assays, each of which had been conducted on freeze-dried acai. A scientist at the National Institutes of Aging and United States Department of Agriculture developed the ORAC assay in 1992. This assay was declared to be one of the greatest technological developments ever made by the USDA in more than 120 years. The ORAC assay has been repeatedly validated as a reliable method for antioxidant capacity determination. USDA has tested all of the fruits and vegetables consumed in the United States for their antioxidant activity via the ORAC assay. The USDA reports that the highest average ORAC of any of the foods they tested was for cranberries, which had an ORAC score of 95. A sample of freeze-dried acai fruit pulp underwent the ORAC assay and it was determined the total ORAC value was 1027. This makes acai the star of well-known antioxidants, the highest fruit and vegetable ever tested by the ORAC assay.

Key Acai Berry Research Facts

• The Acai Berry has more or less similar amounts of protein as an egg
• Acai Berries have 16 identified antioxidants and phyto-nutrients with another 70 compounds yet to be identified
• 19 Amino Acids have been identified in the Acai Berry
• ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) : identified as the highest scalable antioxidant value of any known berry on earth
• 20 – 30 times more Anthocyanins per volume in Acai Berry juice than that of Red Grapes
• Low Glycemic index
• 100 grams of Acai Berry = 14 grams of fibre
• 45% of the pulp and skin from Acai Berries is made from Omega Fatty Acids (Omega 3, 6, 9 : Essential, Linoleic, Oleic)
• 100 grams of Acai = 1000 IU of Vitamin A
• Acai Berries contain 8 grams of protein per 100 grams
• The Acai Berry is high in Carbohydrates
• Acai Berries contains B-sitosterol, Campesterol and Sigmasterol
• The right concentration and extract of the Acai Berry pulp can kill anywhere between 35 – 86% of Leukemia Cancer Cells
• The Acai Berry does not have FDA status as it is not grown in the US but is listed on the US Dept of Agriculture’s website listing ORAC values

- source


University of Florida news - source

Brazilian berry destroys cancer cells in lab, UF study shows

Filed under Agriculture, Health, Research, Sciences on Thursday, January 12, 2006.

GAINESVILLE, Fla. — A Brazilian berry popular in health food contains antioxidants that destroyed cultured human cancer cells in a recent University of Florida study, one of the first to investigate the fruit’s purported benefits.

Published today in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, the study showed extracts from acai (ah-SAH’-ee) berries triggered a self-destruct response in up to 86 percent of leukemia cells tested, said Stephen Talcott, an assistant professor with UF’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences.

“Acai berries are already considered one of the richest fruit sources of antioxidants,” Talcott said. “This study was an important step toward learning what people may gain from using beverages, dietary supplements or other products made with the berries.”

He cautioned that the study, funded by UF sources, was not intended to show whether compounds found in acai berries could prevent leukemia in people.

“This was only a cell-culture model and we don’t want to give anyone false hope,” Talcott said. “We are encouraged by the findings, however. Compounds that show good activity against cancer cells in a model system are most likely to have beneficial effects in our bodies.”

Other fruits, including grapes, guavas and mangoes, contain antioxidants shown to kill cancer cells in similar studies, he said. Experts are uncertain how much effect antioxidants have on cancer cells in the human body, because factors such as nutrient absorption, metabolism and the influence of other biochemical processes may influence the antioxidants’ chemical activity.

Another UF study, slated to conclude in 2006, will investigate the effects of acai’s antioxidants on healthy human subjects, Talcott said. The study will determine how well the compounds are absorbed into the blood, and how they may affect blood pressure, cholesterol levels and related health indicators. So far, only fundamental research has been done on acai berries, which contain at least 50 to 75 as-yet unidentified compounds.

“One reason so little is known about acai berries is that they’re perishable and are traditionally used immediately after picking,” he said. “Products made with processed acai berries have only been available for about five years, so researchers in many parts of the world have had little or no opportunity to study them.”

Talcott said UF is one of the first institutions outside Brazil with personnel studying acai berries. Besides Talcott, UF’s acai research team includes Susan Percival, a professor with the food science and human nutrition department, David Del Pozo-Insfran, a doctoral student with the department and Susanne Mertens-Talcott, a postdoctoral associate with the pharmaceutics department of UF’s College of Pharmacy.

Acai berries are produced by a palm tree known scientifically as Euterpe oleracea, common in floodplain areas of the Amazon River, Talcott said. When ripe, the berries are dark purple and about the size of a blueberry. They contain a thin layer of edible pulp surrounding a large seed.

Historically, Brazilians have used acai berries to treat digestive disorders and skin conditions, he said. Current marketing efforts by retail merchants and Internet businesses suggest acai products can help consumers lose weight, lower cholesterol and gain energy.

“A lot of claims are being made, but most of them haven’t been tested scientifically,” Talcott said. “We are just beginning to understand the complexity of the acai berry and its health-promoting effects.”

In the current UF study, six different chemical extracts were made from acai fruit pulp, and each extract was prepared in seven concentrations.

Four of the extracts were shown to kill significant numbers of leukemia cells when applied for 24 hours. Depending on the extract and concentration, anywhere from about 35 percent to 86 percent of the cells died.

The UF study demonstrates that research on foods not commonly consumed in the United States is important, because it may lead to unexpected discoveries, said Joshua Bomser, an assistant professor of molecular nutrition and functional foods at The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio.

But familiar produce items have plenty of health-giving qualities, he said.

“Increased consumption of fruits and vegetables is associated with decreased risk for many diseases, including heart disease and cancer,” said Bomser, who researches the effects of diet on chronic diseases. “Getting at least five servings a day of these items is still a good recommendation for promoting optimal health.”

Stephen Talcott, an assistant professor with the University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences in Gainesville, holds a South American acai berry – Thursday, Jan. 12, 2006. Talcott is studying the potential health benefits of antioxidants found in acai berries, a popular ingredient in beverages and dietary supplements. - source

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In order to grasp the role of antioxidants within the body, it is important to understand Free Radicals and their relationship with Antioxidants.


Antioxidants are compounds that render free radicals harmless and stop the chain reaction formation of new free radicals. Many scientists now believe that free radicals are the major villain in both aging and disease. The use of antioxidant supplements at a maintenance level may provide the ultimate defense against premature aging and a compromised immune system. At therapeutic levels, antioxidants may actually play a significant role in reversing many of the effects of aging and disease. It's all over! Take fruits and vegetables, for example. They are packed with antioxidants of all types. Numerous studies show that people who eat the most fruits and vegetables are only half as likely to ever get cancer. They also have stronger immune systems; fewer cases of heart disease, high blood pressure and arthritis; and even better mental faculties. The highest ranked antioxidant food in the world is the ACAI BERRY.

The term “antioxidant” refers to a variety of vitamins, minerals and enzymes that help to protect the body from the formation and assists with easy disposal of free radicals. The body also manufactures its own antioxidants, however not in the sufficient quantities required for today’s demanding lifestyles that we lead. This has lead to an increase in free radicals which places stress on the body if sufficient dietary antioxidants are not available.

Although some people think that antioxidants are only useful in the fight against ageing and degenerative diseases, it must be kept in mind that they have a wide sphere of influence on the body, and they can positively influence your general wellbeing.


Most people are under the impression that the field of investigation into antioxidants and free radicals is a brand new phenomenon, yet the “father” of free radical research Dr. Denham Harman, presented his findings in 1956.

Free radicals are an atom or group of atoms containing at least one unpaired electron. This electron is a particle that normally occurs in pairs and is negatively charged which is a stable arrangement.

Should an electron become unpaired, it becomes unstable, and to create balance again it will bond with another molecule, which then sets off a whole chain reaction.

Free radicals are created in normal biochemical processes and the body can normally keep them in check, but a problem is created when too many free radicals are present in the body for too long a time. It is normal to have some free radicals in your body, since they do perform certain necessary functions, yet, our modern lifestyle can lead to an excess of these free radicals being formed.

Free radicals are generated when oxygen is used to produce energy but are also produced by other external factors.

There are four primary sources of free radicals:

the environment: air pollution, cigarette smoke, etc.

internal production: our bodies are constantly producing free radicals as a by-product of normal metabolic function.

stress factors: aging, trauma, medications, disease, infection, and "stress"

chain reactions: In a fraction of a second, a single free radical can unleash a torrential chain reaction that produces a million or more additional killer free radicals.


Exercise: The increased amount of oxygen used during vigorous exercising causes more free radicals to be formed, and although regular exercise is beneficial to your general health, an increase in dietary antioxidants may be called for.

Food additives: Food additives are added to look after the shelf life and stability of processed and smoked foods, but is not body friendly.

Food preparation: When you are cooking food it may increase the amount of peroxides in the diet, especially so when frying foods.

Ozone: When exposed to abnormal ozone levels, your normal metabolism may not be able to cope with the extra free radicals.

Pesticides: Unless your foodstuffs are totally organically grown, and pests controlled by natural means, pesticides and herbicides are used on the crops. Ingesting these pesticides cause more oxidative stress in the body and should be neutralized by enough antioxidants being available in the diet or through supplementation.

Pollution: People living in any metropolitan area are exposed to pollution, and if you regularly commute in traffic jams or live near any industrial areas, your body is even more exposed to harmful air particles, and supplementation of antioxidants may want to be considered.

Stress: Modern day lifestyles and competitive job related stress is also a contributing factor to excess free radicals circulating in your body.

Sunlight: If you are regularly exposed to sunlight, especially to ultra-violet radiation, or if you are going to be exposed to sunlight for any length of time, for instance sunbathing, skiing, yachting etc it is best to supplement your diet with extra antioxidants.

Tobacco smoke: Any smoker, and that includes people living with smokers who may inhale secondary smoke, could look at supplementing their diet with vitamin C. Although some people would contend that it is excessive, you may want to consider supplementing your diet daily with 25 mg of vitamin C for each cigarette smoked. Keep in mind that although extra vitamin C would be beneficial, it is still best to take antioxidants in a combined formula.

X-rays: Normal magnetism fields such as those created in our environment may be handled by diet, but if exposed to extra X-rays you could consider supplementing your diet.


When these excess free radicals have a free reign on our body they cause severe damage to cells which can lead to degenerative diseases as well as premature ageing.

Free radicals are extremely active and do not only attack and damage the cell membranes, but will virtually attack all parts of the cell, including the DNA - the area where the blueprint of the cell is kept and produced. Antioxidants stop these free radicals in their tracks and enable the cells to rejuvenate or stabilize for the life process.


Listed below we have noted some health conditions that may be positively influenced when sufficient antioxidants are available in the body.

Acne: It can help to boost the immune system and clear the blood.

Ageing skin: To help protect the cell integrity as well as the supportive collagen tissue.

Aids: Useful in boosting the immune system, they may be of value to people with Aids.

Alcohol: Consumption of alcohol causes a host of toxins in the body and antioxidants are useful in the detoxification process.

Allergies: Certain antioxidants help with the control of the histamine release mechanism, it may be of use for allergies.

Angina, heart and arterial disease: By helping to protect blood vessels from fatty deposits they may help the veins maintain their elasticity.

Arthritis and joint pain: Helps to relieve localized oxidative stress and also promote healthy joint cells.

Bowel inflammation: Since free radicals contribute to this problem, the addition of antioxidants may be helpful.

Cancer: Although antioxidants may not cure cancer, much research has been done and is still continuing, regarding the role of antioxidants in the prevention and alleviation of cancer.

Capillary fragility: While it helps in strengthening capillaries, it also assists in preventing fatty deposits.

Circulatory problems: It seems to be involved in helping to control fatty deposits in the arteries, and in maintaining elasticity of the veins and good circulation.

Colds and flu: While boosting the immune system they will help to alleviate these conditions.

Fatigue: Useful in releasing oxidized fatty deposits, and in doing so, boosts energy production.

Gingivitis, gum bleeding and mouth ulcers: Vitamin C has long been indicated in the treatment of both gingivitis and mouth ulcers, but a combined antioxidant formula would also be indicated.

Injuries: Help prevent oxidation processes from hampering recovery.

Male infertility: Excessive free radicals destroy genetic material and sperm counts may be lower than normal, which could lead to infertility.

Memory loss: Promotes the growth of tissue and helps prevent DNA destruction, they are also indicated to assist with memory loss.

Piles and varicose veins: It assists in vein and artery health, it is also indicated to help these conditions.

Rheumatism: As with arthritis, antioxidants are involved in relieving localized oxidative stress and also promote healthy joint cells.

Scar formation: Although the topical application of vitamin E has long been advocated to prevent the formation of scar tissue in wound healing, the dietary supplementation of antioxidants can also be useful in this case.

Stamina: Antioxidants help to reduce the build-up of peroxide from the body, an increase in stamina may be experienced when they are abundant in the body.

Stress: General stress levels, as well as specific female stress during pregnancy, menopause or taking oral contraceptives, as well as stress felt by adolescents while growing up, can benefit from extra antioxidants.

Wounds: The oxidation processes can hamper wound healing and since antioxidants will help control this, better healing may be promoted and the immune system boosted in general, which will help to prevent infections.

Although the list above almost covers the whole spectrum of ills and ailments, it must be noted that it is not claimed that antioxidants will cure or prevent these conditions, but there is a strong indication that they may be of considerable assistance.

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